Landscape Project: Venetian Courtyard Transformation - Greenplace Inc

Venetian Courtyard Transformation

This project involved transforming a courtyard to reflect an authentic Venetian style. Initially, the space did not align with the client's desired aesthetic, prompting a complete redesign that included replacing planters, selecting traditional Italian plants, and adding a mural to create a cohesive and picturesque environment.

GreenPlace team


Initial Condition

The courtyard did not originally reflect the desired Venetian style. The existing planters and overall design did not align with the Italian aesthetic preferred by the client.

Completed Works

1.Design Selection:

We selected a more appropriate design that aligns with the Venetian style. This involved careful consideration of architectural elements and decorative features.

2.Replacement of Planters:

All existing planters were replaced with ones that better suited the Venetian theme. This change significantly enhanced the aesthetic coherence of the courtyard.

3.Plant Selection:

To complement the Italian style, we sourced and planted classic Italian flora. The selected plants included lavender, cypress, olive trees, rosemary, and geraniums, which are traditional in Italian landscaping.



Final Result

The transformed courtyard now beautifully reflects the Venetian style. The new planters and carefully chosen plants create an authentic Italian ambiance, meeting the client's expectations and enhancing the overall appeal of the space. The mural depicting a Venetian scene further ties the design elements together, providing a picturesque and serene environment.